Logistics service
Logistics service

Can be specially designed for emergency cargo—— Reliable fast trust ——

Customized logistics services
  • Customized to provide Amazon FBA first leg transportation, cross-border e-commerce platform warehouse logistics, personalized product export, overseas warehouse value-added services.
  • Good reputation and safe and stable channel resources, the peak season insurance warehouse urgent you urgent, rich and diversified channel lines
  • Acting global express, air-sea line, e-commerce logistics, customs clearance, warehousing and logistics projects at home and abroad
Oversize transport
From route planning to loading and unloading strategies, every detail is carefully designed to ensure that your cargo travels smoothly.
Battery transportation
Advanced temperature control equipment, perfect emergency plan and efficient distribution network
Cosmetics transportation
Strictly follow cosmetics transportation regulations to ensure legal compliance;
E-cigarette transportation
Efficient customs clearance team, familiar with the regulations and policies of various countries, to speed up the customs clearance of electronic cigarettes.